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The Game of LIFE

Quick links in this document: Getting Started, The Different Tiles, Retirement, How to win.

Disclaimer: This information is posted for informational purposes and the type is copied from the instruction sheet.

For 2 to 6 Players - OBJECT: Collect money and LIFE Tiles, and have the highest dollar amount at the end of the game.

LIFE TILES Each LIFE Tile carries a secret message: a special achievement, and a negative or positive dollar amount which counts toward your total cash value at the end of the game.

LIFE Tiles will be mixed up and placed in a box on the instructor's desk.

CARDS Separate the cards into 4 decks: Career Cards, Salary Cards, House Deeds and Stocks. Place each deck facedown near the gameboard.

INSURANCE POLICIES & BANK LOANS Separate the Automobile Insurance Policies, Homeowner's Insurance Policies and Bank Loans. Place each pile near the gameboard.

MONEY No actual money will be used in this exercise.  Keep track of your income and expenditures on the INCOME STATEMENT/PERSONAL BALANCE SHEET provided or on a spreadsheet program on your laptop.

CARS Do NOT remove the stands from your automobiles.

All players spin the wheel. Highest spinner takes the first turn. Play then continues clockwise.

On your turn, spin the wheel. (If the spinner arm stops between numbers, spin again.) Then move your car the number of spaces on the spinner.

Always move your car forward, in the direction of the arrows. (Just as in real life, you can't go back in time!) If you land on an occupied space, move ahead to the next open space.
Follow the space directions. This ends your turn.

Your first turn is an exception. See GETTING STARTED.

Quick links in this document: Top, Getting Started, The Different Tiles, Retirement, How to win.

On your first turn, decide either to start a career, or to start college.

College offers more career and salary options, but it takes time - and it puts you in debt!

START CAREER If you decide to start a career, place your car on the START CAREER space, then do the following:

Draw a Career Card: Have another player fan out the Career Card deck facedown, while you draw 1 card at random. Note: You may not keep a Career Card that says "Degree Required." If you draw one of these cards, draw again!

Draw a Salary Card: Now have the same player fan out the Salary Card deck facedown while you draw 1 card.

Place your Career Card and your Salary Card faceup in front of you. Now spin and move as you would on a regular turn.

START COLLEGE If you decide to go to college, place your car on the START COLLEGE space. Borrow $40,000 from the bank for tuition (see BANK LOANS). Now spin and move as you would on a regular turn.

JOB SEARCH When you reach the JOB SEARCH space, stop - even if you have moves left. Then do the following:

Choose Your Career Card: Have another player fan out the Career Card deck facedown, while you draw 3 cards at random. Look at the cards, choose any 1 card, then return the other 2 cards to the deck. See the Career Guidance section, below.

Choose Your Salary Card: Now choose your Salary Card the same way (pick 1 card from the 3 cards you draw).

Place your Career Card and your Salary Card faceup in front of you. Now spin and move again.


How much money you earn depends not only on the amount of your salary, but also on how often players land on your Career Spaces (spaces with symbols that match your Career Card). For example, if you're the Accountant, players must pay you whenever they land on "Taxes Due" Career Spaces.

Landing on Career Spaces is the "luck of the spin." Therefore, just choose whichever career you want! Be adventurous and try a different career each time you play!

Quick links in this document: Top, Getting Started, The Different Tiles, Retirement, How to win.

As you move your car, notice the space colors they're important! Here's what the colors mean:

Orange Spaces. Most spaces are orange. Whenever you land on an orange space, you must follow the directions.

Blue Spaces. These spaces are optional. Whenever you land on a blue space, follow the directions only if you want to.

Green Spaces. These are PAY DAY spaces. Whenever you land on or pass a PAY DAY space, collect your salary from the bank.

Red Spaces. There are 3 of these spaces: JOB SEARCH, GET MARRIED and BUY A HOUSE. Whenever you reach a red space, stop - even if you have moves left. Follow the directions, then spin and move again. Red spaces have special directions which are explained separately.

LIFE SPACES These spaces show pictures of LIFE Tiles, and are all about family activities, community service and good deeds!

Whenever you land on a LIFE space, take 1 LIFE Tile from the draw pile. Look at the LIFE outcome and record it on your balance sheet.  Return the card to the box.

Some LIFE cards are positive, and are counted toward your miscellaneous income.  Other LIFE cards are negative, and are counted as expenses.  Keep track of which expenses might be deductible!

CAREER SPACES The symbols on these spaces match those on the 9 Career Cards. Players earn money from opponents who land on their Career Spaces. When you land on a Career Space, do the following:

- If an opponent owns the matching Career Card, pay that player the amount on the space.

- If you own the matching Career Card, pay nothing.

- If no player owns the matching Career Card, pay the bank the amount on the space.

For example, the Ski Accident space is one of the Doctor's Career Spaces. If you land there, pay $5,000 to the player who owns the Doctor Career Card.  The recipient must record the money as income; the payer must record the money as an expense.

Taxes Due Spaces: These are the Accountant's Career Spaces. If you land on a Taxes Due space, pay the Accountant the taxes on your Salary Card. If you are the Accountant, pay nothing. If there is no Accountant, pay the bank.  Keep track of these expenses as Property taxes, or State taxes.

Special Police Officer Rule: Notice that there's only 1 Career Space for the Police Officer. That's because any opponent caught speeding (spinning 10) must pay the Police Officer $5,000!

If you're the Police Officer, it's up to you to notice when a player spins 10. If you don't notice, the "speeder" pays no penalty. Note: If there's no Police Officer in the game, there's no penalty for spinning 10.

You're Fired and Mid-Life Crisis:
When you land on either of these spaces, you must trade your Career Card and Salary Card for new ones.

Have another player fan out the Career Card deck facedown while you draw 1 card at random. Note: If you're not a college graduate, you may not keep a "Degree Required" Career Card. Then do the same to draw a new Salary Card. Return your previously-held cards to their decks.

Night School: When you land on either of these 2 spaces, you may change careers and salaries if you wish to do so.
Have another player fan out the Career Cards while you draw 2 cards at random. Choose either card for your new career. Or choose neither card, and keep your own Career Card. Do the same with the Salary Cards. Then return the unwanted cards to their decks.

Whenever you land on or pass a PAY DAY space, collect your salary from the bank before following any other space directions. On some turns, you may be able to collect 2 or more salaries!

GETTING MARRIED When you reach this space, stop even if you have moves left. Take a LIFE Tile and add 1 deduction to your balance sheet. Then spin and move again.

Whenever you land on a Baby Boy or Baby Girl space, add 1 deduction to your balance sheet.  If you land on a Twins space, add 2 deductions to your balance sheet. On all of these spaces, take a LIFE Tile too!

Remember that your children and your spouse will be considered dependents for the purposes of tax exemptions!

When you reach this space, stop even if you have moves left. Draw 1 House Deed at random from the deck. Then spin for a mortgage interest rate.  Go here and calculate your amortization for expenses and tax purposes. Record the result as the price @ interest rate = total payment (interest payment). Then spin and move again.


Remember that the interest on your mortgage is tax deductible!

You may buy automobile insurance at the beginning of any one of your turns. Pay the banker $10,000 and take 1 policy. Your car is now protected in case of accidents, damage and theft.

You may buy Homeowner's Insurance when you buy a House or at the beginning of any one of your later turns. Pay the banker the insurance amount shown on your House Deed and take 1 policy. (For example, if you own the Victorian House, pay $50,000.) You're now protected in case of floods, tornadoes and theft.

You may buy 1 Stock at the beginning of any one of your turns. Pay the banker $50,000 and take 1 Stock of your choice from the deck.

When any player (including you) spins the number on your Stock, collect $10,000 from the bank!  Record this as a dividend!

You may own as many Stocks as you wish. Additionally, if you land on the Stock Market Zooms space, take 1 Stock (at no charge)!

If you lose your a stock on a Stock Market Slumps space, you can still buy 1 Stock at the beginning of any one of your later turns.

Example: If you choose the Number 6 Stock, collect $10,000 from the bank whenever 6 is spun.

You may borrow money from the bank during any one of your turns. Take 1 or more Bank Loans (each loan is worth $20,000). The banker gives you the matching amount from the bank.

Repay all loans to the bank (with $5,000 interest each) when you retire, or during any turn before then.

Quick links in this document: Top, Getting Started, The Different Tiles, Retirement, How to win.

When you reach the RETIRE space, stop - even if you have moves left. Then do the following:

- Repay to the bank any outstanding loans.  Retire at either Millionaire Estates or Countryside Acres, collect 1 LIFE Tile.

After you have retired, add up all your income; the add up all your expenses  Subtract your expenses from your income to see what your liquidity is at the end of the fiscal year.

Now download TURBOTAX onto your laptop and get ready to figure out what you owe the Federal Government.  Be prepared to itemize your income, explain your deductions, and show your tax liability to the satisfaction of the IRS.

When you are done, print out a copy for your records and turn in your Tax Summary, your 1040, your schedule A and schedule B (even if you had no dividends), your itemized business expenses (if you had them), your Game Balance Sheet/Income Statement, and the Part II statement which will be handed out at the end of the game.

What tax bracket did you end up in?  How much did you owe?  Can you afford to pay it? Do you consider this amount fair? Why or why not?

(c)1991 Milton Bradley Company ( All Rights Reserved. 4000-XI

Quick links in this document: Top, Getting Started, The Different Tiles, Retirement, Now to Pay.